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I remember the day you were being chiple and asked Debo to "grill your sandwhich" and so I mocked you and said "Yeah, Debo, will you grill my sandwhich?" You turned to me and said "Myra, that's code for do me right now, so no MY boyfriend will not grill your sandwhich!" haha aye Pris you made me turn bright red. I'll never forget your beautiful personality and how my life has never been the same since we met. You always pushed me to go to college, you really believed in me. So here I am now in my second semester and everyday that I'm here I think of you =) I miss you at work and I love you. I know we will meet again my friend...<3

I remember everytime we went to visit, you always made sure Jacob had tons of fun, you always went out of your way to make sure he had a blast, even if it was only a ride to the gas station. he really misses you...

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